IFS 3 Steps to more IFS travel
One of the first major modifications I made to my truck was the addition of a ProComp stage I lift kit for the IFS. At the time, my only concern was the ability to install a larger tire on the truck (33x12.5) which in turn gave me more ground clearance. After some time, I began to hear stories about how this kit did not increase wheel travel, and I began to look into the easiest way to gain travel. The modifications I came up with are very simple to perform, and can be done by owners of this type of lift kit. I cannot take credit for being the first to come up with these, but I will say that I came up with the shortened spacers and sway bar disconnects before I knew anyone else in the Toyota community had done these. For some other sources of related issues as well as how some other people got more travel from the Toyota IFS, see the bottom of the page.
1. Shortened Bumpstop Spacers
NOTE: This modification is not applicable to the ProComp Stage II kit, since its bumpstop spacers are integral to the drop bracket design. Although some changes may still be possible, you will need to figure it out for yourself! The basic idea here is to shorten the spacers for the compression bumpstops that come with the ProComp Stage I lift kit. Some travel can be gained by the use of low profile bumpstops in this location, but I prefer the stock rubber bumstops to low profile ones due to their better cushioning abilities. Before you cut, remove, or weld anything, you must first decide just how much you can shorten it. Some factors to consider here are:
In my case the 33x12.5 tire I was running was actually about 32" tall at the time. If you shorten the bumpstop too much, you will have the tire hit the inner fender on compression. I chose to shorten mine from the stock 4" to about 3.75" The spacers that come with the lift kit are basically 2x4 rectangular tube cut to 2" wide pieces. These relocate the bumpstops 4" lower with the relocation of the A arm 4" lower, essentially retaining the same travel as a stock IFS truck. I know of two ways to shorten the spacer. One is to pick up some rectangular tube like they used, except in a 2x3.5" other height to lower the bumpstop. The problem here is that you are somewhat limited as to the heights you can get the tubing in. The other way is to use 2" round tube with caps to make the spacers any height you want. Feel free to contact me about how I made my spacers.
Red circle shows spacer from front of truck. 2. Low Profile Extension Bumpstops This is the easier one. Mane suppliers offer these low profile bumpstops for IFS Toys including Downey and NWOR. I chose to use the low profile ones here because the cushioning effects are not as critical when the suspension is extending.
3. Disconnect Your Sway Bar! Here is an easy way to free up some travel with the IFS suspension. You can either use some sway bar disconnects here, or be like me & toss the whole bar. As for the disconnects, you have a few choices. Drew Persson has some super nice stainless steel sway bar disconnects that are a direct bolt on. If you are looking for something like this, I highly recommend you check out his site. If you are wanting to tackle this on your own, there are a few different ways to go about it. Check out the sway bar disconnects from the Toyota section of Off-Road.com for probably the easiest way to disconnect the sway bar short of throwing it away. If you are looking to build a set of disconnects for yourself, A friend & I built a set for my truck a few years ago. Although I have since removed the sway bar altogether, I am still partial to the disconnects we made. Check them out. Related Links: Chris Geiger, a former IFS owner also has some good info on: