Two Trips to Tellico

    Here are pictures from 2 different trips to Tellico.  I dod not get many pictures the weekend of my trip due to the rain, but here are a few.  I was not on the second trip, but thanks to Rocky & Linda with Essentially OffRoad I have some great pictures to share.

My trip to Tellico in the Fall of 98

Tellico_01.JPG (35990 bytes)   Tellico_02.JPG (46574 bytes)

Tellico_03.JPG (34658 bytes)   Tellico_04.JPG (36821 bytes)

Tellico_05.JPG (49447 bytes)   Tellico_06.JPG (49148 bytes)

Tellico_07.JPG (50987 bytes)


Rocky & Linda's Trip to Tellico


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This page last modified 07/10/03

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