Misc. Pictures

    Here is a place for a few misc. pictures from my travels off road.  I will be adding more & swapping new ones periodically.  Enjoy!

RTI Ramp Pictures

Here is the complete setup - tow rig, trailer, and the Toy (Actually, the Bronco has been sold, and the new tow rig is a 99, V10 F250 SuperDuty)...

truck_in_tow.jpg (66509 bytes)


Here are a few pictures of a playground item no 4 wheeler could pass up!

Playtruck_01.JPG (80792 bytes)   Playtruck_02.JPG (79793 bytes)   Playtruck_03.JPG (54854 bytes)

Playtruck_04.JPG (74115 bytes)   Playtruck_05.JPG (70619 bytes)


Some trail pictures...

davidm003.jpg (70028 bytes) davidm004.jpg (80058 bytes)

yj_strap.jpg (42860 bytes)

col_03.jpg (16233 bytes) sludge.jpg (23017 bytes) jeff.jpg (14901 bytes) rollover.jpg (41009 bytes)


This page last modified 07/10/03

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